Terms Of Agreement
Reservation Policy
Payment on your booking constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
10% commission will be paid for Travel Agents and Concierges when booking with Triangle Wine Country.
Client Cancellations
Customers will receive a full refund with three days notice of cancellation on Small Group Wine Tours and two weeks notice for Private Large Group Tours. Customers will also receive a full refund or be rescheduled in case of operator cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Contact us by phone to cancel or inquire about a cancellation. No-shows will be charged the full price.
Triangle Wine Country Cancellations
Triangle Wine Country cancellations rarely happen but can occur due to heavy rains, winds, a minimum number of participants not met, and road/resort closures. When such situations arise, Triangle Wine Country or Vista Balloons will contact you to reschedule or refund your tour.
Image Usage
By participating in one of our events or tours you and your party agree to the use, display, or publishing of images taken during said events or tours in any commercial, personal, non-profit or editorial projects involving advertising, print media, website publication, or broadcast as chosen by Triangle Wine Country, LLC. Triangle Wine Country, LLC remains the sole owner of the images’ copyright. No transfer of intellectual property is made by this agreement. This agreement is not transferable to a third party. These terms will be restated in a signed waiver before your tour date.